Man vs. Machine – A Case Study: Net Neutrality


The main textbook for my “Advertising in Society” class. Check out Chapter 2 for a history of our “Transition to the Market System”.


As a college graduate in communications, I’ve been following the development of the information superhighway for a while.  I’ve never worried to much about it because until recently everything was going in a mostly positive direction.  Also there were bigger things to worry about such as how to make a living in an eroding TV/Film industry and how to avoid shady doctors and insurance companies so that I can actually use my insurance benefits.  But with the recent nomination and confirmation of republican favorite Ajit Pai, as FCC chairman, worry is warranted….

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October 1, 2016 – Consumer Finance Protection Bureau Complaint

On August 16,2016 I filed a complaint with the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau regarding the deceptive nature of the Mortgage Loan Modification application process…..

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Merry Christmas from Wall Street

I decided to separate out December 2010 into its own post.  The reason is that each year, there is a flurry of activity created by the banks attorneys.  They wait until the end of the year because many law offices are closed for vacation the last part of December which puts the homeowner at a further dis-advantage as they try diligently to secure a loan modification, or fight off a foreclosure….

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A Coordinated effort by ASC to Scrap my Application

This post covers May 1st 2010 to November 29th 2010 and documents the loan modification run around, misrepresentations, and sabotage efforts by ASC representatives.  These are entries from my database with links to documents that were scanned and attached….

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